A country I would like to visit

 The truth is that, I would like vist many countries of Europe, like France, Italy, Greece, Spain and Germany. Becuase they are countries with a lot history. Besides, I have listened that if you go to one of the countries, you can visit the other countries, because they are very close. 

I would like visit the Roman Coliseum, and that someone tell me, the events that happened in this place, I would love hear it, or visit Greece, because if there is one country with history, surely is Greece, with its politics, its economy, even for ist polytheistic belief, and the famous Olympus. And I would love know the history of the Eiffel Tower.

If I go to Eurpe, one day, if God permit it, I would not go to live, I would like go to visit, for learn its culture, its language, I would love learn italian, or even for delve into in my professional career. 

I hope someday I can go to Europe, but I would like go alone, but I would like with my family. 


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