Hi! I always wanted that my job was something related with the health, with the human body. And I would like can job as chemical pharmaceutical, considering that I am studying Chemistry and Pharmacy at present. I would like job specifically in the area of clinical pharmacy, because, I would work with patient directly, together with the doctor, but also I woulk like job in laboratory, maybe preparing medication, vaccinates, finding possibles cures for unknown illnesses, as the Covid-19. I don't have certainty about the job perfect for me, still. With no doubt whatsoever that I would love to travel for my job, because I could learn more things about my career, and also, I could know how work my job in the differents countries. Well, I already said that I would like job in a medical consultation, or in a laboratory. I am not studying none major still, because I have to finish my career first, but I am completely sure that I will study some major, becuase, firs...